Thursday, April 28, 2011

3 Months

Mikaela is 3 months old now and boy has she changed in the last few weeks!  Still a really good baby (HAHA to those of you who thought I couldn't possibly get this lucky a second time!), she now sleeps all night through, often having to be woken by Bob or I to get her changed and dressed for the day during the week.  She goes to bed around 8-9 pm and if we don't have to go anywhere in the morning she'll sometimes sleep until 8 am.  The first time she slept all night without waking up I woke up in the middle of the night to make sure she was still breathing!

She scooches all over her cradle now, I'm a little nervous about moving her to the crib because she moves herself into the corner.  Although she does move her face if she can't breath and since she's such a healthy baby I know there's not much to worry about, I just can't help it.

She smiles all the time, especially at her Daddy early in the morning.  Even if we've woken her up from a sound sleep as soon as you talk to her she starts smiling her big toothless grin.  As soon as she spots her big sister, Aislynn, she smiles too.  She just loves watching Aislynn and just stares at her smiling all the time.  It's really cute.

She had her first trip to the Ocean City, NJ boardwalk on Tuesday.  Being off for spring break, Bob also had a day off with us so we took her on that trip to meet up with her godmother, Amanda.  It was really nice and we got to use our awesome stroller!  Isn't it funny the things that we get excited over once you have kids?

Later that night, Bob was playing with her on the couch and got her to laugh out loud for the first time on video.  As soon as I can get one saved on my laptop I'll post it.  Nothing quite as enjoyable as a baby's laugh.

The time is flying by but we are enjoying every minute of it.

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